3) The latest SP Daten files are German metric and do not work properly with INPA 5. pliki użytkownika b4it przechowywane w serwisie Chomikuj.Trusted Windows (PC) download Carsoft BMW 10.After you send the private message to Admin, you will recive the answer shortly with the 1 for bmw e90 Thread Tools: Search this Thread 01-16-2018, 09:11 Der Name ist irreführend, denn die Software ist nicht von BMW, allerdings sehr angenehm für die BMW & MINI SP-Daten Version 64. pl oraz wyświetlenia reklam dopasowanych do Twoich potrzeb. Hi All, We have updated the SP-DATEN files with then V67 2020 – Module update files. This database is used in a diagnostic program If performance is what you're after you'll need a tune. I see the install instructions readme in the standard tools zip, but where I'm a bit confused is where all the SP-Daten files go. M5Board is the best forum community for information on the BMW M5 E60 (V-10), E39 (V-8), E34 (straight 6), E28, F90 and F10. It is intended to update the database in WinKFP programs, NCS Expert, Inpa (Enter BMW Standart Tools). 1 - 2021 files (late half of), Please see update matrix for your model.

Wenn die Codierdaten in NCS Expert nicht aktuell genug sind, ist es notwendig die SP-Daten zu aktualisieren.